Yes, the day is here. The L'cie tattoo has left the world of fantasy and entered the realm of crude matter. Major kudos to Crawlerbasher for making this totally airwolf ink happen. Follow this link for the full pic.
Information, news, and thoughts on the ins-and-outs of the gamer lifestyle. What we do, how we dress, where we go and what we bring there.
Yes, the day is here. The L'cie tattoo has left the world of fantasy and entered the realm of crude matter. Major kudos to Crawlerbasher for making this totally airwolf ink happen. Follow this link for the full pic.
As a gamer, when you hear the term "home-brew", you likely think of people developing software. But there is another world out there, a world of people who make actual, real-life things. And sometimes our world overlap.
Enter 8-Bit Vintners.
Excellent! For reasons completely unknown to me, wine says "class" to Americans more than anything. So why not pull out a bottle for your next dinner party? Before Rock Band, I mean.
My wine is for anyone who spent time trying to save a princess or fit odd shaped blocks together. We may have never met, but we have more in common than we ever knew. So blow out that old Contra cartridge, give the NES a good dust off, and pour yourself a glass.
No, I've never written a fan-fic based in the Joust universe. Who would do that? I mean, that would just be crazy, right? Heh heh.
I am not alone in my interest in the archaic text-based space strategy game Super Star Trek. Recent months have given us an iPhone version.
Apparently we live in a society in which mainstream news outlets care about Final Fantasy. MSNBC recently posted a list "the top five greatest" FF characters. My feelings are mixed.
Could a video game change the world for the better? Let's find out.
The concept of EVOKE -- the browser/RL mmorpg which calls itself "a ten-week crash course in changing the world" -- is to take all of the highly addictive and social aspects of online gaming and use them to turn the click-happy into engineers of social change. Curious? A slick online presence, with a well-made comic and hip grunge graphics, will seal the deal.
Naturally, I signed up for an account. Mission #1 came today, and instead of pondering which flash game to try on I found myself deciding exactly what my social agenda will be. Do I care about the greening of the world? Access to education?
Each piece of Evidence (e.g. following a social innovator on twitter, reading an article and posting about it on an EVOKE blog) yields character points which you allocate to your powers. Yes, powers. Not Ranged Weapons or Mana Recovery, though: Collaboration, Sustainability, Local Insight, etc. Each action you log is reviewed, and if found suitable awarded points. And as other users check out your stuff, they can give you points for it as well. Forget grinding in a dungeon -- grind on the web looking for examples of urban farms.
So far it's a great concept carried out with flair. I'm concerned about scalability, though; if it gets huge, how many staff will be needed to review the Evidence? Either way, being a "certified EVOKE innovator" is sure to be more fulfilling than making Commodore Emeritus on Super Star Trek. Not by much, but still.
Yes, the DSi is the apex of gamer lifestyle hardware. And yes, bigger might just be better. So much marketing has gone into selling this little guy as the magic keep-your-brain-active tool that the pressure to make the screens legible to people over the age of ten has presumably been rained down upon the R&D folks in a torrent of directives and memoranda. While the 'nets are all hoping/assuming the DSi XL is meant to compete in the burgeoning e-reader market, perhaps it's meant for something else.
The list of included software pretty much clinches it: